
Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Remember the Rodney King beating and the not guilty verdict for the White cops who nearly killed him?

I do. I can still see the television images of Los Angeles exploding in riots, gunshots, and flames. I can also still hear a battered and bruised Rodney King asking ‘Can’t we all just get along?”

The we, of course, is Whites and Blacks-the same we of race relations today.

This question is still of great importance today. The reason is that America is still divided by race. This division runs deep-deep enough to where race is dealt with through politically correct go along maneuvers.

White maneuvering is the minimization of race at all costs. Black maneuvering is the navigation of race while trying to avoid the “Angry Black Person” label.

So can Blacks and Whites get along in ways that avoid making nice for the sake of diversity?

The answer is yes, provided that we move towards grasping a real understanding about race.

As in the past, race is still a Black and White issue. To even begin to address this issue requires certain responsibilities for Black people and White people.

White people’s main responsibility is to become educated on the connection between White people and racism. Racism is a system of advantage that was built by White people for the benefit of White people. When whites avoid this understanding, they become complicit in perpetuating this system. Acquiring this understanding allows Whites to take a guilt-free approach to addressing whited framed systems of power, dominance, and authority.

Black people’s role in addressing race relations is to raise awareness regarding race. Blacks must continue to highlight the ways in which white oppression influences their lives.

These suggestions will not solve race issues in one fell swoop.

But they do allow Whites and Blacks to move along a continuum of awareness and understanding that aims for racial healing and inclusion.

Come along for the journey-won’t you?