Conroe Independent School District
Dr. Mack T. Hines III hosted the staff development for Conroe ISD in the fall of 2010. His presentation provided intellectual stimulation for the staff and administration attending the event. The main reason is that his genuine approach served as a catalyst for envisioning the best ways to reach out to minority students, in particularly African American males.
Attendants were so impressed with how Dr. Hines sparked energy and excitement in involving everyone in developing of a shared vision focused on teaching and learning. I later learned that his dynamic and passionate speaking style inspired risk-taking and innovative thinking among teachers. He was able to empower teachers to view previously unsuccessful experiences in the classroom as learning opportunities for effectively responding to the diverse interest and needs of minority children. Through his strategies and approaches, Dr. Mack T. Hines III was able to show his knack for guiding educators through political, social, and economic issues to achieve equal opportunity and educational success for all students.
Dr. Mary L. James-Cue
Assessment and Evaluation Administrator
Conroe Independent School District
Montgomery County Juvenile Division